Princeton Partners led all stakeholders through our proprietary Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) research and development process. We surveyed and interviewed staff, analyzed personality profiles, and conducted exercises with over one hundred people including members of the board, the leadership team, middle managers, and the client facing and supporting staff. We heard their concerns, their suggestions, and their goals for the future of the credit union. We then helped them craft an MVV solution which clarified what the credit union stood for, what they wanted to achieve, and how they would get there. The process unified stakeholders and got them all moving in the same direction—forward.
Management, employees, and members felt a renewed excitement about First Commonwealth’s mission and future, rallying behind their new mantra: “Empowering the pursuit of financial happiness” with a focus on advancing financial wellness for their members and the entire Lehigh Valley. Employees felt valued and empowered because management enabled them to take a greater role in the credit union’s focus, operations, and future. Management was able to execute their strategic plan and implement significant customer-facing innovations on a faster timetable with the support of all its stakeholders. New financial centers were introduced as centers for financial education, ITMs with live video associates were launched, and new mission-focused programs gave middle managers and all staff opportunities to contribute their talents. First Commonwealth’s internal energy and outward-facing visibility and impact gained momentum because of their commitment to real people. They were named Pennsylvania’s #1 Credit Union by Forbes in 2019.